Monday, July 18, 2011

Gentle Hands

1 boy + 3 girls united together to serve 80+ orphans ranging from tiny babies to 23 years old. Does this task seem hard? Well of course, but this team isn't faint of heart.
Spending time at Gentle Hands was quite an experience. It's the biggest in quantity that I have worked with but equal in loving children and ministering to the needs of the people.
While at Gentle Hands, I got to be a part of the ministry the team participates in daily. Cory is normally the "manly man" and ministers by working construction and such with the Filipino men. Meanwhile, I jumped in with the girls in the nursery rooms- babies; ones; and twos- fours. I also hung out with the older kids. It was really neat to see Maddie work with Merville who has severe Cerebral Palsy. He has come so far just this summer because of her devotion, love, and commitment. It was fun watching Becky toss kids up in the air and do acrobatic moves with them. Micah looked so maternal holding babies, she made it look easy.
While the team is an array of personalities, there are most certainly fun to serve with in ministry.
Two events stick out to me the most during my time with Gentle Hands. I'd been eying an adorable little light skinned boy named Lex and I remember when he randomly ran into my arms for no apparent reason. I felt "worth a million" because it was a long, long time before he let go. We were buddies from that moment on.
The other thing was when we went to Malabong. It's a city with seven sub areas- non in great condition- we went to the worst of the slums where Ate Cher (the lady who runs the orphanage) has an outreach. As I walked on layers of dirty garbage and cloths it made me sad, but then I saw smiles as I greeted people "Magandang Umaga po." These people are settled in their arrangements. They know where they live. They are happy as long as they have relationship and are healthy. Here it's not about what you have, here it can't be. What they need it health and relationships- with each other and with Jesus.
As we played with the kids and painted the basketball court, I couldn't help but fell a little joy knowing I'd just greated a little fun for them. They deserve that. I prayed that it lifted their spirits. The team will go back on Sunday and they will set up a medical clinic and they will have a worship type servic. My prayer is that as they minister to the physical needs, their spiritual needs will also be met. Pray with me please for the people of Malabong.

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