Monday, June 20, 2011

OPEN the DOOR of my heart

So to say being back at Open Door was incredible would be an understatement, a severe understatement. To hug all my Ates' (big sisters) and Kuyas' (big brothers) and to love on all the kids and youth I've missed put a joy in my heart that I can't explain.
Since I didn't have the official assignments the team did, when I wasn't enjoying fellowship in the courtyard- I took to developing two of my other talents. I enjoyed washing dishes after meals and I also liked to help Ate Miguela and Ate Tess cook. This was my favorite because as an honorary Filipino I need to be able to prepare Filipino dishes.
Though some of the children have left the orphanage since my last visit, others have come. This keeps the process going and keeps my heart growing. The Philippines itself does that though.
A really cool event that I got to participate in was street evangelism. One Saturday morning we were up and at 'em at 5:00 a.m. in order to go. Now mind you, this team wakes up that early every morning, but it was Saturday! This was commitment! We left and went with a couple youth to the park at San Pablo Lake and met with the rest of the youth. There were about 25 of us in all. We opened with a short devotional and prayer, then split into teams. I was with Ate Nina, Joana, and Mark. It was an awesome experience. These youth were eager to share and I even got to share, using Joana as my as my translator. In the group, we saw several people come to know the Lord and lots wanted to know more or at least wanted prayer.
This showed me that God is at work in young people everywhere. It also showed me how little my faith can be. I tend to think it's easier to share abroad, yet these Filipinos are sharing right here at home.
My God is good! Please pray that God will continue to use Filipino young people to spread the gospel and for receptiveness.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Trip One to Ruel Foundation

My first stop was to Ruel Foundation. This team consists of Mabry, Katherin, Candace, and Hannah. They work in an orphanage that deals with a lot of malnutrition and other problems. They have babies and young children. There are 19 children in the orphanage and over half are in the nursery. The people that server here are dedicated to what they do. It is a true ministry. Rocking babies, changing diapers, fixing bottles, folding children's clothes, giving bathes, playing outside, teaching, making crafts, loving, and laughing are just a few things you might find yourself doing at Ruel Foundation. One child that I fell in love with is a little boy who is two years old but who can't walk. He has Cerebral Palsy. He has good days and bad days. He is the most precious thing.
During my time at Ruel Foundation I learned two things. One- it takes one second for you to love a child and two for them to love you back. Two- those girls have a mission field right there at the orphanage.

God is so big. I am so small. But together we can to GREAT and HUGE things!

Worthy is the LAMB!

The Beginning

Hello World! It's Jenny and I'm in the Philippines!!! I've been here for a week and already my heart is full of Filipino love as usual. Let me back up though! My summer began May 30, the day that Leader Orientation began. I was in charge of making sure that team leaders got registered- all 42 team leaders!! How awesome is that! The first summer I went there were 4 team leaders. On Thursday (June 2) team members arrived and again I was in charge of registration. Now there are 156 students- 13 countries! Can we say AWESOME??!!
Orientation was filled with training for the teams. We had lot of help with this from counsins all over. I can't fail to thank the wonderful people at our host church and the surrounding area for all the help they provided. There was so much going on all day long everyday- the teams had a lot to learn to prepare.  I led the Tagalog sessions and the Nanny session.
On Wednesday the team leaders got the opportunity to participate in an Asian Chicken kill. I definitely opted out of that and instead went with Ate Wendy to start on supper. She even taught me how to cut pineapple! Let's just say I'm excited to do again!! Team leaders then prepared Chick Adobo with Ate Wendy's help. Yummy!
Saturday the teams participated in an intense team building out at a camp that helped teams work together and build unity.
Sunday and Monday both contained very special services for the teams. One was open to the community and one was a Commencement service for the teams.
Monday night midnight began send off! I was on the first group out- 1 a.m.  we tore through the send off line for good byes and like that it BEGAN!!!!