Monday, July 18, 2011

Again @ Ruel

I was really excited to be back at Ruel. My time there expanded over two different weeks because of our 4th of July break falling in the middle. That was okay though because it's easy to have fun at Ruel.
I got to know the kids more personally this time. Now remember these 20ish kids only span from a month and a half old to 9 years old. Between walks, painting, water play in the swimming pool, birthday parties, giving bottles, and tickle time- I was able to join Mabry, Hannah, Candace, and Katerine in showing these kids love.
A child that really spoke volumes to me was J. She;s a nine year old little girl who gets it, she knows she's an orphan and she understands what's going on. One night we had taken the kids to Jollybee for another child's birthday party and there was a family- a mom, dad, and little girl (about J's age) sitting near us. I couldn't help notice J's constant glances to their table, the longing in her eyes. It broke my heart because she's a smart, beautiful little girl and all she wants is a family to love her.
Though a lot of my time has been serious work, I do fit in a bit of fun! I don't want you to think ALL we do is work. You know I love to have fun! Whether it's eating pork on a stick of a side walk vendor, trapsing through the rain without a jacket or umbrella, taking "Sophiewalks" (long walks) everywhere to save money and get some excercise, playing "futbol" with Tyler and trying to include Candace but she was being the responsible one, team bonding on tricyles, in vans, and over the healing of Mabry's arm- which worked (Thank you God)- there was all kinds of fun at Ruel.
God definitely was using the team there as well. I often found Katherine juggling a baby on one hip while making a bottle with her free hand. I would find Candace sitting with a little one laid over her lap, her gently patting his/her bottom until they fell asleep. She was a pro at that. Hannah knew where every child's clothes went along with their medicine schedules and everything else it seemed, that girl had it going on. And then I'd walk downstairs where I'd find Mabry and the older ones singing a song or playing in the water or talking a walk or playing with paint. She had a way- that Elementary Education major. ;) Though they were all different- their talents worked together and molded perfectly to make the team work.  I was impressed.
I am thankful for God using our New Zealand friends to run and mantain the Ruel Foundation- Warren and Pauline and Sandra. Please pray for their ministry. They don't want the need of orphanages- do you? Let's join in prayer for forever families for orphans everywhere.

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